Where is the gallery located?

109 S. Main Street, Gordonsville, VA 22942 We are located on Main Street downtown Gordonsville, just past the bridge.

What are your hours?

The gallery is open Wednesday-Saturday 11-5; Sundays 12-3, or by appointment. Appointments can be made by calling 540-832-6352. Email anniegouldgallerly@icloud.com or send a message on either anniegouldgallery.com pages or Facebook or Instagram. Messages are checked daily. We will contact you to confirm.

Do you work with interior designers?

We are open to working alongside interior designers for projects both residential and commercial.

When are your events?

All upcoming events can be found on our Upcoming Events page.

Can I have one of my art pieces shown in your gallery?

Please make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance of your anticipated arrival by calling the gallery at 540-832-6352 or emailing anniegouldgallery@gmail.com.

Do you provide shipping for your art pieces?

Yes! We can ship to domestic and international destinations. Please call our gallery or email us at anniegouldgallery@gmail.com.